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yAT tUNG heen


One Michelin Star (2017-2025) Yat Tung Heen is an award winning restaurant led by celebrated Chef Tam Tung, featuring authentic Cantonese cuisine. Set in a 1920s inspired atmosphere referencing Shanghai taverns, the restaurant offers a refined dining experience with an array of private dining options and the main dining room occasionally playing host to various salon art events. The revered restaurant was named AOC’s (Asia Art of Cuisine Society) “MASTERCHEF Recommendation Restaurant” and Weekend Weekly awarded Yat Tung Heen with the Best Dining Award – Cantonese Cuisine in 2020. Other accolades include recognition by South China Morning Post’s ‘100 Top Tables’, U Magazine and Dining City.

連續九年獲頒米芝蓮一星(2017-2025)的星級食府逸東軒由享負盛名的大廚譚棟主理,呈獻經典地道的傳統手工粵菜。餐廳裝潢雅致,重現1920年代上海酒館的氣氛,為食客帶來別具一格的精緻餐飲享受多年來獲得多個獎項,包括香港南華早報《100 Top Tables》餐廳指南、《MasterChef推介餐廳》、新假期《必吃粵菜》、U 雜誌《我最喜愛食肆》– 我最喜愛酒店中菜廳及Dining City 鼎食聚「香港餐廳周之最佳中菜餐廳」等。逸東軒亦設有多間私人包廂和寬敞的主用餐區,可供舉辦各類藝術展覽活動。

